Hythe Pier Heritage Association

Project 02 – Services survey of the pier

Ramboll was commissioned to examine the existing services to the Hythe Pier and to conduct a feasibility study into the renovation of the pier buildings, land and shore side. This feasibility study will look at the existing services provided, utilities infrastructure and what new services will be provided in the renovation of the Pier and its intended new use.


Project Funding Organisations

This project was fully funded by HPHA from donations made by the Hythe community.

Project 01 – Initial survey of the pier

Ramboll was appointed to carry out an inspection of the pier to determine its structural arrangement and general condition. This was a high-level inspection, providing general observations and preliminary recommendations. The objectives of the inspection were to gain an initial idea of the current operational adequacy of the pier, identify any major defects and form an initial schedule of repairs.


Project Funding Organisations

This project was fully funded by HPHA from donations made by the Hythe community.

One step closer to restoring Hythe Pier

In an exciting new development, we have started working on the south side building on Hythe’s Victorian Pier (built in 1894) to prevent further deterioration. Although this work is a temporary fix, it offers provisional protection to prevent further damage while plans are put in place and funding raised for a permanent restoration in the near future.

The temporary works being undertaken by DPB Contractors over the next three weeks include: removal and disposal of the internal asbestos sheeting; installation of guttering and battens and protective Perspex sheeting along the south elevation walls; and repairs to the glazing, internal flooring and lead roof.

Rich history of the south side

The building on the south side of the pier head was built in 1894 and extended in 1896 when that on the north side was erected. In 1894 the tenant of the south side building, the Hythe Sailing Club, used their clubhouse as dressing rooms for members.

At the outbreak of WWI in 1914, the Hythe Sailing Club handed their clubhouse over to the authorities for use in the war effort. The club declined to take up its option of re-occupation at the end of the war, so the premises were let to the YMCA. During 1921, the Royal Motor Yacht Club took up residence and immediately set about an extensive modernisation. Work was completed in March 1922 and the building was made up of “comfortable and roomy quarters”, including a large dining room, galley, bar, four berth sleeping cabins and a bathroom.

From the early 1950s until the mid-1970s the building was home to a restaurant. What will it be next? This is a very exciting thought and hopefully soon new life will be breathed into the building and it will take on another transformation.

(picture courtesy of Gary Woletz)

Totton Timber delivers - by Alan Titheridge

Hythe Pier Railway Carriage Repair Underway

HPHA in conjunction with the Hythe Men’s Shed (at the Pier) has commenced repair work on the Hythe Pier Railway’s Carriage Number 4. The carriage, which has been gifted to the charity by Blue Funnel Ferries, is lying in the Hythe Ferry workshop and will be repaired to full operational and safety standards.

Carriage 4 by Alan Titheridge
by Alan Titheridge

Once this work has been effected it will be placed back on the track, replacing Carriage Number 3 which will be withdrawn for a complete restoration.

This is the start of a proposed full restoration of the tractors and rolling stock that has been running up and down Hythe Pier since July 1922.