Scroll down the list of projects and click on “Read More” to see the project details
The projects are listed in order of the start date of the project, not when they complete


Luggage Truck Repairs

LT original

A project to repair and improve the train luggage truck

Feb 17, 2025

Pier Head buildings - Perspex roof repairs

Storm damage to the perspex roof between the two pier head buildings to be repaired

Feb 3, 2025

New Hythe station platform

2024-10-01 15.14.41

During the work to install 45 metres of new railway track we also removed the old station platform. This was a wooden construction which was starting to fail. As part of the new railway track project, the track running into the station has been significantly lifted to ensure that it is level. The new platform has a better ramp and much more subs...

Mar 3, 2024

Carriage 2 restoration

carraige 2 – 2

Restoration and rebuild of carriage 2. This is the third carriage to be restored and the first "driving" carriage.

Mar 3, 2023

Renewable Energy Study


Investigation into the role of renewable energy in any future re-development of the pier

Oct 16, 2022

Restoration of locomotive "Edward Fort"


The second locomotive tractor unit has been restored and named "Edward Fort".

Jun 14, 2022

Movement monitoring survey


Long term survey of parts of the pier to check if there is any slow subsidence. No movement has been detected so far.

Jun 1, 2022

Track restoration - Phase 1


The replacement of the first 45 metres of train track (including the points), the supporting wooden beams and the underlying pier beams.

May 19, 2022

Pierhead Access Project

P25 underside view

This project has provided a a doorway and structures below the level of the pier deck to allow inspection and easy access

Jan 7, 2022

Carriage 1 restoration

carriage 1

Restoration and rebuild of carriage 1. This is the second carriage to be restored

Sep 30, 2021

Temporary protection of the waiting room building


Following our project to protect the south side building from further deterioration, we have made temporary repairs to the roof and floor of the north side building. This building houses the waiting room.

Aug 10, 2021

Spider crab mural

P8 crab

In conjunction with Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust (HIWWT), HPHA have organised for a large sea life mural to be created on and displayed at the end of the pier.

Jun 11, 2021

Listing the pier


A project to add Hythe Pier to the list of architectural and historically important buildings in England.

May 26, 2021

Pier structure - temporary support


Scaffolding ladders have been installed to support a small section of the pier head structure that is badly affected by corrosion

May 21, 2021

Temporary protection of the "ballroom"

P07 ballroom

Protection of the pier-head south side building installing a new roof and repairing the walls and floor.

Mar 24, 2021

Structural survey of the pier

P6 cover

A structural survey and follow up report was commissioned. The purpose of the survey was to determine the Pier’s general condition and to make recommendations for the remediation of, and designate repair timeframes for, various structural defects.

Feb 24, 2021

Asbestos survey


Inspection of the pier, pier buildings and workshop to report on the presence of asbestos, so that it can be removed by later projects. No asbestos was found in publically accessible areas.

Nov 10, 2020

Tractor 1 restoration


The first train tractor unit restoration project.

Nov 2, 2020

Carriage 4 Restoration

carriage 4 rebuilt

The first of the 4 carriages to be restored

Jul 22, 2020

Buildings survey


Inspection of the condition of the buildings at the pier head (seaward side), the ticket office, and workshop buildings (landward side), as part of a Feasibility Assessment.

Mar 3, 2020

Services survey of the pier


A survey to examine the existing services to the Hythe Pier and to conduct a feasibility study into the renovation of the pier buildings, land and shore side.

Oct 1, 2018

Pier entrance facelift


Enhance the entrance to the pier and to make it more welcoming by painting, repairing, installing new roof edging and planting lots of flowers.

Jul 1, 2018

Initial survey of the pier


An inspection of the pier to determine its structural arrangement and general condition. This was a high-level inspection, providing general observations and preliminary recommendations. This assessment was performed to help HPHA plan the next steps in the preservation of the pier.

Oct 2, 2017