Hythe Promenade was rocking as our very popular live music event ‘Rock the Pier’ took place on 15th June . Once again a large audience of all ages gave the event their enthusiastic support.
Stone Branches opened up the event at midday and there was a full line-up of bands right through to nearly 7pm when the always popular Soul Catchers brought the day to a close.
When there was a brief pause in the live music during band change-overs Byron Witchell and Rozzy Turner took over to hold the audiences attention with sing along hits and games for the youngsters.

Thank-you to all the bands who gave their time for free.
And we are grateful for the support of our Rock the Pier event sponsors. Without their help it would not be possible to run Rock the Pier.

HPHA would like to say thankyou to all our volunteers and those who worked hard to organise and run Rock the Pier.
And of course a big thankyou to everyone who attended Rock the Pier and those who made donations.
The event raised a total of £13,900 from sponsorship, donations, merchandise and other sales. After costs this has left £7,400 which will go into HPHA funds to help with our work to preserve and restore Hythe Pier and Railway.