I cannot recall the last time that I saw quite so many people on and around Hythe Pier. Last Saturday will certainly be a day that I will remember for a long time to come. Rock The Pier 2019 seemed to excite and enthuse you all and you turned out in force to show your support for our project to protect and preserve, restore and redevelop Hythe Pier for public benefit.
I thought the music was great with a real mix of styles that seemed to combine and create a vibrant, dynamic and wholly entertaining show. Your appreciation and support made a real difference and the atmosphere around the main stage area was amazing.
Of course, those of you who ventured down to the pier head were able to enjoy refreshments in the Waiting Room, where our pop-up café was once again proving popular and more great music with musicians entertaining visitors and ferry users alike. I think we proved that the pier can once again become a destination and a place that can provide a vibrant community facility.

I don’t know about you but
I am still buzzing after our Spring in to Action event at Hythe Pier
last Saturday (11th May). We had such a wonderful response and welcomed
around seven hundred and fifty of you on to the pier between 10.30am and
3 pm.